IMA Food Grade Servo Actuator
The IMA food grade servo linear actuator offers sanitary protection in wash-down applications.
IIMA food grade servo actuators offer a white epoxy food grade coating, food grade grease and are available with stainless-steel fasteners, rod and rod ends. Features a unique integrated motor design in a compact, sanitary package. Available in both ball and roller screw configurations, IMA food grade servo actuators provide forces up to 30.6 kN (6875 lbf) ideal high duty cycle applications.
Drive Integration
Tolomatic’s integrated motor products (IMA & IMAS) integrate with a wide range manufacturers’ servo drives. Check our Drive Integration Resource for supporting documentation and motor files.
Tolomatic supports integration with Rockwell Automation through the use of custom motor files (CMF). See our Tech Note: interfacing the IMA actuator and absolute encoder with Rockwell Automation servo drives.
Sanitary protection and long service life with IMA food grade servo actuators
Tolomatic’s patented re-lubrication design offers easy re-lubrication with food grade grease and do not require disassembly for routine maintenance.
Tolomatic IMA food grade servo actuator design eliminates:
- Contamination from air or oil
- Hydraulic systems
- Pneumatic systems
- Forced air or water cooling
- Need for multiple vendors
- Unneeded assembly labor
- Motor couplers, adapters, timing belts and gear boxes
Size | IMA-WP 22 | IMA-WP 33 | IMA-WP 44 | IMA-WP 55 |
Standard | 12 in. | 18 in. | 18 in. | 18 in. |
Metric | 305 mm | 457 mm | 457 mm | 457 mm |
Size | IMA-WP 22 | IMA-WP 33 | IMA-WP 44 | IMA-WP 55 |
Standard | 325 lbf | 2,500 lbf | 4,150 lbf | 6,875 lbf |
Metric | 1.45 kN | 11.1 kN | 18.5 kN | 30.6 kN |
Size | IMA-WP 22 | IMA-WP 33 | IMA-WP 44 | IMA-WP 55 |
Standard | 28 in/sec | 48 in/sec | 52.5 in/sec | 31.4 in/sec |
Metric | 711 mm/sec | 1,219 mm/sec | 1,334 mm/sec | 787 mm/sec |
IMA Perf., Mech. & Motor Specifications

IMA Dimensions

Information Center:
Catalogs & Brochures
- Corporate Overview-Linear Motion Solutions Brochure (English)
- SOLUCIONES DE CONTROL DE MOVIMIENTO (Spanish, Corporate Overview-Motion Control Solutions Brochure)
- Unternehmensübersicht (German, Corporate Overview brochure)
- 公司概述 (Chinese, Corporate Overview Brochure)
- Brochure sur l'entreprise Tolomatic (French, Corporate Overview-Linear Motion Solutions Brochure)
- IMA Integrated Servo Linear Actuator Catalog
- IMA with 2 & 4 Stack Motors
- IMA Actuador de vastago con motor integrado (IMA integrated actuator, ES)
- IMA ACTUADORES Opciones extendidas del catálogo (^ES IMA extended catalog)
- IMA Integrierter Servoantrieb Broschüre (IMA Actuator brochure, German)
- 汽车行业应用手册 Brochure (Chinese: Automotive Applications Brochure)
- Soluciones para Alimentos y Bebidas (Spanish, Food & Beverage Solutions Brochure)
- Electric Pressing Solutions Brochure
- Medical and Life Sciences brochure
- OEM Actuator Solutions Brochure
- E-Book: A Resource on Electric Linear Actuators: What a machine designer needs to know
- E-Book: Literatura Sobre los Actuadores Lineales Eléctricos
- E-Book: Diseño de Movimiento Lineal - Actuadores Eléctricos para Sustitución de Hidráulica
- E-Book: Electric Actuators for Hydraulic Replacement
- Buch: Elektrische Stellantriebe als Ersatz für hydraulische Antriebe (E-Book: Electric Actuators for Hydraulic Replacement; DE)
- 如何选择 螺杆? 甄选 正确的技术 (Chinese, How to select the right lead screw for an electric actuator)
- Rod Style Roller Screw Actuator Comparison
- A Guide to Converting Hydraulics to Electric Actuators
- Abschnitt: Welches Gewinde? Die richtige Technologie auswählen (German - Which Screw)
- Guía para Conversión de Actuadores Hidráulicos a Eléctricos
Software & Firmware
Tech Bulletins
Terms & Conditions
White Papers
- Top Ten Tips: How to specify electric rod-style actuators for optimal performance, reliability and efficiency
- Electric actuators vs. pneumatic cylinders: A comparison based on total cost of ownership
- The truth about actuator life: Screw drive survival
- Select the right linear actuator: Making sense of manufacturer specifications
- Comparing traditional and integrated rod-style linear actuators: How to choose the best solution for motion control applications
- IP ratings and the manufacturing environment: How to apply linear actuators for quality, safety and long service life.
- Screw-driven vs. belt-driven rodless actuators: How to select drive trains for reliability, efficiency and long service life
- Introduction to accuracy and repeatability in linear motion systems
- Choosing stepper- or servo-driven actuators to replace air cylinders
- Evaluating actuators for washdown in food & beverage applications
- Electric Rod Actuators vs. Hydraulic Cylinders: A Comparison
- Elektrische Stangenantriebe vs. Hydraulikzylinder: Ein Vergleich der Vor- und Nachteile beider Technologien weißes Papier (Electric vs Hydraulic WP, German)
- A technical comparison: Performance of pneumatic cylinders and electric rod actuators
- Electric actuator technology comparison: Integrated and traditional designs
- Utilizzo degli attuatori elettrici nelle applicazioni di processo (WP: IT: Actuators for F&B processing applications)
- How roller-screw and ball-screw actuators compare in high-force applications:
- Actuadores eléctricos con vástago frente a cilindros hidráulicos: una comparación de los pros y los contras de cada tecnología (Spanish - White paper - Electric vs Hydraulic Actuators)
- Top 5 best practices for designing electric actuators into food processing equipment
- Elektrische Antriebe und Pneumatikzylinder: Ein Vergleich basierend auf den Gesamtbetriebskosten weißes Papier (GERMAN, TCO WhitePaper)
- Elektrische Stangenantriebe vs. Hydraulikzylinder: Ein Vergleich der Vor- und Nachteile beider Technologien weißes Papier (GERMAN, Electric vs Hydraulic WP)
- Comparación de la tecnología de los actuadores eléctricos: Diseños integrados y tradicionales
- Medical Device Motion Design Considerations
- Integrierte und traditionelle Bauweisen Weißbuch (DE, Integrated and traditional designs WP)
- Unleashing the Capabilities of the Linear Servo Press in Manufacturing
- Liberar las Capacidades de la Servoprensa Lineal en la Fabricación
- Making the Jump to Electric
Application Checklists
- Electric Rod-Style Actuator Application Checklist
- _HOJA DE TRABAJO - DATOS DE APLICACIÓN (Electric Rod-Style Actuator Application Checklist-Spanish Translation)
- _FICHE TECHNIQUE DES DONNÉES D'APPLICATION (Electric Rod-Style Actuator Application Checklist-French Translation)
- _FOGLIO DI LAVORO - DATI APPLICATVI (Electric Rod-Style Actuator Application Checklist-Italian Translation)
- Anwendungsdatenarbeitsblatt (Electric Rod-Style Actuator Application Checklist-German)
- Hydraulic Cylinder Replacement Worksheet